Edit Overflow

Download latest version (v. 1.1.49, 2019-11-01). (Tweet - note that updates are through ClickOnce and thus the latest version is installed rather than what may be referred to in the tweet.)

Version 1.1.49 (2019-11-01):
  1. Edit Overflow has now been open sourced! A public repository is at GitHub.
  2. And there is now a web version. Thus it works equally well on Linux (tested in heavy daily use for several months, including automation with a macro keyboard and a custom Arduino Leonardo solution with even more keys). The web version is not yet feature complete, but it covers the most important functionality for editing on Stack Overflow (refined over several months based on real daily use).
  3. Added: New item to the regular expressions (for detecting code formatting problems), "Space after left parenthesis". More Stack Exchange sites, including IoT and Law.
  4. Added more words (now at 9009 input words and 2796 output words).
Version 1.1.48 (2019-07-27):
  1. Changed: Menu command to prepare YouTube comments now handles email addresses and some false positives for the URL processing has been removed ("e.g." and "E.g.").
  2. Added: Support for use of PuTTY with AmForth (requires AutoIt to be installed). The input is text in the clipboard and the user must manually change focus to PuTTY within 5 seconds. Menu "Utility""Typing out characters - direct".
  3. Added more words (now at 8228 input words and 2382 output words).
Version 1.1.47:
  1. Changed: The menus have been somewhat reorganised - items were moved from menu Action to menu Text and menu Utility.
  2. Added: Add TAB to the clipboard (useful if a text editor has been configured to only use TABs, e.g. Notepad++ or UltraEdit).
  3. Added: Menu command to prepare YouTube comments - for live time links and encoding URLs to they don't look like URLs (to avoid deletion) (Transform for YouTube comments (in clipboard)) in menu Text). Sample text to convert: "07 min 10 secs: Book: https://www.amazon.com/Writing-Well". Menu "Text"* → *"Transform for YouTube comments (in clipboard)".
  4. Added: Menu command to enclose text in <> (Insert in "Look up" field and enclose in "<>") in menu Action).
  5. Added more words (now at 7525 input words and 2091 output words).

Edit Overflow is an application (currently only for Windows) for helping with the mundane aspects of editing Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites posts. For instance, quick (using the clipboard and keyboard shortcuts) correction of common spelling mistakes for things (programming languages, software products, company names, and hardware).

Sample word lists:

Edit Overflow's first incarnation is a .NET Windows desktop application, but it is planned to appear on various platforms (Windows, Linux, web, mobile). Documentation: none at the moment (input and output is in many cases the clipboard, for instance the commands with keyboard shortcuts F5 and F7).

To be implemented before a true release:

  1. Reworked user interface (the current is only experimental). For instance, break into several types of windows or a tabbed interface.
  2. User defined wordlist
  3. Import and export facilities for the wordlist
  4. Partial matching, at least when something is typed into the look-up field
  5. Support for all Stack Exchange sites
  6. Remember settings across program restarts

Notes file

notes.txt, HTML version

Jump page

Go to jump page.

Oil price

The unit on the y-axis is USD per bbl. The four graphs show the price for the last month, last 3 months, last year and last five years, respectively.

Oil price, last 4 weeks Oil price, last 3 months Oil price, last 12 months Oil price, last 5 years
Profile for Peter Mortensen on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites Edited 2021-12-10. HTML validation.