#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Copyright 2009                                                            #
# Purpose: Generate large text file.                                        #
#                                                                           #

#                             PIL                                           #
#                 Software Development Group                                #
#                        Peter Mortensen                                    #
#                  E-mail: mortens.spammaygohere@drmortensen.eu             #
#                   WWW: http://www.pil.sdu.dk/                             #
#                                                                           #
#  Program for ......................................                       #
#                                                                           #
#    FILENAME:   generate.pl                                                #
#                                                                           #
# CREATED: PM 2009-08-29   Vrs. 1.0.                                        #
# UPDATED: PM 2009-09-03   Cleaned up.                                      #
#          PM 2009-09-05   Added detection and output for delays in         #
#                          writing to output file.                          #
#          PM 2009-09-07   Now samples time with better than 1 second       #
#                          resolution. Numbers in output rounded to 0.1     #
#                                                                           #
#                                                                           #

# 1. Also round $writeRate at the end of the script.

#require 5.002;
require 5.008; #Perl 5.8 and later: for built-in Time::HiRes module. This requirement
               #can be lowered, but then CPAN module Time::HiRes must be
               #downloaded and installed.

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;

use Time::HiRes qw ( time); #Higher resolution replacement for
                            #the time function provided with
                            #core Perl.

# Function: getTimes
sub getTimes
	my( $anOoldTime, $aStartTime) = @_;

	my $currentTime2 = time();

	#print "currentTime2: $currentTime2\n\n";

	my $timeSinceLastZeroCount = $currentTime2 - $anOoldTime;
	my $totalTimeElapsed = $currentTime2 - $aStartTime;

	return ($currentTime2,

print "\n\n--------------------- start ----------------------------------\n";

my $MBtargetSize;
my $outPutFileName;
#For using parameters from AppleScript and Windows NT
if  ( $ENV{MBSIZE} )
  $MBtargetSize = $ENV{'MBSIZE'};
  print  "Approximate output file size: $MBtargetSize MB\n";

  $outPutFileName = $ENV{'OUTFILE'};
  print  "Output file: $outPutFileName\n";

  print  "\n";
  print  "\n\n\nNo environment variables detected.... Bailing out. Bye-bye!\n\n\n";

open ( NUMBERS_OUTFILE,">$outPutFileName")
  || die "Could not open output file $outPutFileName\n\n";

my $end2 = 0;

my $lineCount = 0;
my $sizeInBytes = 0;
my $sampleLineLength = 0;

#As it is the line length depends exponentially on this
#  4: approx  250 characters
#  6: approx 1000 characters    38 MB/secs until 2 GB written.
#                                 Long delay and then continues at 38 MB/secs.
#  8: approx 4100 characters    74 MB/secs until 2 GB written.
#  9: approx 8500 characters    97 MB/secs until 1 GB written.
#                                 11 secs, then 23 secs delay.
# 10: approx 17000 characters  117 MB/secs until 2.3 GB written.
#                                20 secs, then 56 secs delay.
# 11: approx 34000 characters  130 MB/secs until 1.2 GB written.
#                                9 secs, then 31 secs delay.
#                              130 MB/secs until 2.7 GB written.
my $linePower = 11;

my $downCounterStartValue = 2000; #This value will change dynamically during
                                  #the run. This particular start value is
                                  #based on experience running it on a
                                  #particular system. It should not be set
                                  #too high, otherwise the interval between
                                  #the few first progress lines will be
                                  #too high.

my $downCounter = $downCounterStartValue;

my $startTime = time();

my $oldTime = $startTime;
my $oldProgressTime = $oldTime;

my $progressInterval = 2; #Unit: seconds.
$progressInterval = 1;
$progressInterval = 2;
$progressInterval = 1.6;

srand 43152332; #Make the sequence of numbers deterministic (this makes
                #for a better comparison between runs.).

while (! $end2)
	if ($downCounter > 0)
		my $line = "";

		#Output one line to the file.

		my $i;
		for ($i = 0; $i < $linePower; $i++)
			my $rn = rand 10;
			my $rnStr = "$rn ";

			#Append and double line (in order to get very long line for minimum overhead).
			$line = $line . $line . $rnStr;

		} #for

		$line = $line . "\n";
		my $lineLength    = length( $line);
		$sizeInBytes     += $lineLength;
		$sampleLineLength = $lineLength;

		#Sample start of $line:
		#2.94036865234375 2.94036865234375 3.19793701171875 2.94036865234375 2.94036865234375 3.19793701171875 5.66619873046875
		print NUMBERS_OUTFILE $line;
		my ($currentTime, $timeSinceLastZeroCount, $totalTimeElapsed) =
		  &getTimes( $oldTime, $startTime);

		#Adjust $downCounterStartValue depending on the actual time consumed.
		if ( $timeSinceLastZeroCount < $progressInterval)
			#Operation time was too low (too high overhead for system
			#calls), increase $downCounter.
			my $numerator = int( $downCounterStartValue * 4);
			$downCounterStartValue = int( $numerator / 3);
			if ($timeSinceLastZeroCount > $progressInterval)
				my $numerator = int( $downCounterStartValue * 4);
				$downCounterStartValue = int( $numerator / 5);
				#Right on the money. Keep using the current value.
				#Now that we are using a high resolution version
				#of time() we will probably never end up here.
		$oldTime = $currentTime;

        print "downCounterStartValue: $downCounterStartValue. " .
              "Sample line length: $sampleLineLength.\n";
		if ($totalTimeElapsed > 0)
			my $sizeInMegaBytes = $sizeInBytes / 1024 / 1024;
			my $writeRate = $sizeInMegaBytes / $totalTimeElapsed;
	        print sprintf (
	          "After %4.1f seconds: %d lines written (%4.1f MB). %4.1f MB/s\n\n",
	          $totalTimeElapsed, $lineCount, $sizeInMegaBytes, $writeRate);

			if ($timeSinceLastZeroCount > 2 * $progressInterval)
		        print sprintf ("*********************** Long delay: %4.1f seconds **********************************\n\n", $timeSinceLastZeroCount);

	        if ( $sizeInMegaBytes > $MBtargetSize)
				$end2 = 1;
		$downCounter = $downCounterStartValue;
	} #Downcounter reached zero.

} #while


my ($currentTime, $timeSinceLastZeroCount, $totalTimeElapsed) =
  &getTimes( $oldTime, $startTime);

my $writeRate = $sizeInBytes / 1024 / 1024 / $totalTimeElapsed;
print "Totals:\n\n";
print "$totalTimeElapsed seconds. $lineCount lines written. $writeRate MB/s\n\n";

print "\n\n--------------------- end ----------------------------------\n";